I used to love that song "One eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater" when I was a kid. Anyway, I always imagined they lived in these little purple flowers. This is a 1:1 shot done with a D200, 55mm lens with extension ring and sunlight.
FM3a, 60mm lens with PB5 bellows, Speedotron and 35mm transparency film. I am unsure of the ratio because in my excitement to use the bellows, I forgot to crank the lens out to 1:1, so I'm not sure where to start to calculate the ratio. My best guess is 3:1.
Ok, so focus...not so good, but I used the PB5 bellows and 60mm lens and had a hard time seeing very well. I also used a Speedotron and FM3a camera with Kodak Ektachrome film.
A 1:1 macro shot of some potpourri in the livingroom. Obviously needs dusted. I used a D200 and 55mm lens with extension. 1/30th at f/8. Lit by SB800 flash on SC-17 cord.
Angie is a freelance photographer who recently graduated from Randolph Community College with a degree in Photographic Technology with concentration in Biocommunications.
Contact me at: angiehoffmanphotography@ gmail.com